The California Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Invites You to Join us at Camp Paradise

My countdown to Camp Paradise 2025 started as I pulled out of the parking lot at Camp Paradise in August 2024. I have loved summer camp for as long as I can remember. My mom told the story that when I got home from my first year at Girl Scout camp, she asked me if I cried when I had to leave. I said that I did and next year I wanted to go for two weeks instead of just one. At the time, I didn’t realize she thought I might cry leaving home; I cried leaving camp!
Camp Paradise, my first year, I rolled in all by myself. I knew an instructor who said I’d have a great time and if I had my own tools to bring them. Shortly after checking in, I met a wonderful couple who took me under their wing and showed me the ropes. I was hooked.
The Instructors…
The instructors are brilliant and generous with their time, tools, and knowledge. I’ve become friends and look forward to seeing them each year. I will forever miss those who have retired or recently passed.
I am excited to say that I will be the Camp Paradise Registrar this year. Registration begins on March 15th, and this year, we expect to have it ready to move into the future and be online. Jill and Gary are the Camp Directors, and the camp gets better each year! Week two campers will get some extra work time to make up for the fact that we close classes early on Friday to prepare for clean-up, show and tell, and graduation. On the first night, Jill and Gary will explain what to expect for the next week and introduce the instructors. During the week, there is the Sell-a-Rama, where you can buy or sell items related to the arts offered at camp. Another night, there is a silent auction, with proceeds going to the California Federation of Mineralogical Societies. We also work to squeeze in lectures or demonstrations or some extra ‘barn-time’ to work on your projects.
What You Need To Know…
Camp Paradise is in Strawberry Valley. It’s a beautiful setting in the forest – with all that implies…peaceful setting, animals, trees, dirt, clean air, poor to no cell service, and stars. It has dorm-style rooms, couples’ rooms, cabins, and RV parking spots with hookups. The best advice I can give regarding the accommodations are that they are rustic (hey it’s camp!), bring anything you cannot live without for the week. If you expect a resort, this isn’t it, but you can create one! We have campers that bring in snacks, rugs, small patio tables, mini-refrigerators, mattress pads, and who knows what else, but I’ve seen some LOADED cars. I bring and stay in my glamper, so no judgment
from me!
There’s a barn – think warehouse, not an actual barn. This is where the courses are held; it’s next to the swimming pool. It can get hot inside, so it’s a great idea to bring one of those neck fans or a bandana that you can get wet to cool you off if needed. Or plan to hop in the sun-warmed swimming pool!
Your week at camp includes breakfast, lunch, and dinner too! We line up and chitchat with new friends while we wait for a hot, delicious meal. Our camp chef is so accommodating, he really tries to cook something for everyone. If you need a special diet, he does what he can but if in doubt bring sustenance. I tend to bring lots of easy foods, those things I can eat on the run – I don’t want to miss anything.
First-Year Campers…
You get early access to classes for the first two days. However, if the seats in one class are full, hop into another until a chair opens—there are a lot of classes to choose from. Beginning, intermediate, and advanced silversmithing, enameling, wire wrap, casting, glass fusing, gem trees, lapidary, intarsia, beading, chainmail, and cold connections are all planned for this year! (Classes may change unexpectedly.)
If you have any tools, bring them. It’s better to leave them in your car than to wish you had them. I like having a tote with me; it’s my carry-around catch-all and is handy during the week. If you don’t have an Opti-visor or magnifying glasses – shop now and bring one. Not only are they great for the close work you’ll be doing, but they also double as eye protection. After registering, you’ll get a packet of information, and you can always contact me for questions. Don’t worry if you’re coming by yourself; you’ll make friends in no time and have the time of your life!
Ann Marie McCann,
The following is a message from Jill Atkins, Camp Director:
Camp Paradise registration opens March 15, 2025 and I, for one, am looking
forward to another camp of learning, experiencing new jewelry and lapidary
techniques and of course shenanigans. Camp dates this year are August 17-23 &
August 24-30; $550 per person, per week. You can find everything at Scroll down to Camp Paradise and click on it. Thanks to Diane
Cook registration will be online and payment will be online as well.
Speaking of new lapidary techniques, this year we will have a new intarsia
program with some brand-new intarsia machines! Our instructor just returned
from Tampa Bay, FL. Where she learned about a technique called Cobblestone
Inlay, taught by Caitlin Albritton. (I don’t have a clue either but am eager to
learn.) She will also teach introductory intarsia but is working toward developing
some advanced options.
Please pass this information on to your club members and keep checking the
CFMS Newsletter and the website for updates.
CFMS – 2025 Camp Paradise Registration (Fillable)
Checks will be accepted. Print out and send the form (link above) with your check.
For those who choose to electronically enroll and pay, below you will find the QR Code to sign up for Camp Paradise and pay using Zeffy!